The Process
The process we have our customers go through is as important as the pieces they want to pick out for their project. There’s many steps to this process and we here at Surface Resource will walk you through each one and will take our time ensuring you understand each step.

(1) The Decision
Whether you are going with a timeless beauty of natural stone or the innovative new offerings in the world of quartz countertops, you can rest assured you have made a great choice either way. Both products are very comparable in both price and performance so pick the look you love and let's get your template scheduled.

(2) Schedule A Template
On the day of template, one of our counter-top experts will arrive at the project and make a digital template of what the counter-tops will look like. At this time, all information will need to be finalized to keep your project on schedule. Make sure sink, faucets, cooktops, and any other items to be mounted in the counter-top are on the job site. We welcome our customers to come to our shop and "layout" their slabs after template. After drawings, templates and information is approved, the fabrication process begins.

(3) Fabrication
Your new tops will be fabricated on some of today's latest fabrication technology. We use the Titan Fab Center CNC from Park Industries. This machine ensures precision cutting and shaping to make your new countertops fit like a glove. With several edge options available, this machine can deliver exactly what you're looking for.